Monday, April 11, 2022

Buffy Silverman

IMPERFECT II poet Buffy Silverman says:

Two things that help me regain perspective are my soft-eared hound dog and being in nature. The hound is always happy to see me, always eager for a scratch behind the ears or a belly rub, always appreciative of attention. Observing nature helps me see that there's more to life than our daily concerns, that life is always changing, and that there's beauty to see when I open my eyes.
Buffy Silverman is the author of over 90 nonfiction books for children, featuring topics from Angel Sharks to Alligators, and Mars to Monster Trucks. Her most recent book, On a Snow-Melting Day: Seeking Signs of Spring, received a star from Kirkus Reviews and was an NCTE 2021 Notable Poetry Book. A companion book, On a Gold-Blooming Day: Finding Fall Treasures will be published by Millbrook Press in Fall 2022.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Buffy! Give that beautiful hound dog an extra belly rub for me.


Thank you!